NEW PRODUCT!! – Rucksack Indicator

Yet another incredibly useful innovation from Spycatcheronline.

The rucksack indicator is designed to allow following traffic to know the cyclists intentions. Simply wear it on your back or attach it to your rucksack and you will immediately improve your safety levels whilst cycling around busy city streets.


The Rucksack indicator incorporates a number of LED lights which allow the cyclist to indicate left, right, straight ahead or stopping. Completely simple we know but the best ideas usually are , and always leave everyone else wondering why hadn’t thought of it before.

Ruck-Sack-Indicator-1 Ruck-Sack-Indicator-2

The system is supplied with a wireless remote control to attach to your handlebars which makes the whole package extremely compact and easy to use.

The indicating panel comes with a USB connector so that it can be charged from a computer and the wireless handlebar controller comes with batteries pre-fitted.

We consider this to be one of the most important innovations to cyclist safety since the helmet. Demand is huge and stocks low so if you want one order now otherwise you may have to wait until our new shipment comes from the factory.

Jane Bond